Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thursday, Oct. 28

First of all, thank you to all the parents who came to conferences.  It is so important that we keep communication going between us as the year progresses. 
Second, the weather is changing so please make sure your child is dressed appropriately.  A sweatshirt for outside recess probably won't be enough anymore.  There are days when a hat and gloves are even needed.  As soon as we get snow (sorry) we will be requiring snow pants and boots also.  Hopefully, that is a ways away!
As your student may have told you, we released our butterflies on Monday afternoon.  I would have loved to keep them through conferences but that wouldn't have been fair.  Mrs. Gardner's class is still waiting for them to emerge.
I am going to attempt to upload a few pictures this week on my blog so wish me luck.  For some reason I have had problems doing that.  Remember there is no school tomorrow so enjoy the long weekend!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday, Oct. 13

Are we ever excited!  Yesterday when we went home we only had one butterfly larva that had made a chrysalis.  Today we have 10, and we were lucky enough to watch one actually make it's chrysalis!
We will be discussing why our butterflies are changing faster than Mrs. Gardner's butterflies.  Her larvae have not changed as of noon today.  There is a reason.  Ask your child why that is happening.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday, Oct. 8

Love this weather and so do the children!  
BUTTERFLIES - Our butterfly larvae showed up on Wednesday afternoon.  The class was very excited to check out their larva.  Each student has a cup of their own with one in it and there is a class cup with 4 or 5 in it.  We did some initial observations about size, shape, color, etc.  Then the students described their larva and drew a picture of it.  I had them all do predictions as to when they think they will turn into a butterfly.  Our predictions ranged from 2 minutes to 8 months.  We will see if anyone is close to the date that the first one changes.  Today they were amazed to see how much they grew.  Below are a few of their observations:
The larva grew overnight almost double.
They are moving more.
Eat a lot of food because there is less food in the cup.
They like to hang from the lid.
We will be finishing up our subtraction chapter next week and plan on the test next Thursday.  We will review on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Today the students shared their animal reports with the class.  Their reports and dioramas will be on display in the media center during conferences.  They did a very nice job on these.  We will be studying insects on Monday and Tuesday.  We will review animals on Wednesday and then take a test on Thursday.  I know it seems like a lot of tests on Thursday but there is no school on Friday.
Mrs. Faircloth will finish her teaching next Thursday.  I will be taking over the morning work next week while she finishes up her units in the afternoons.  The last week she will spend some time observing some of the other classrooms in our building.  She has done a nice job.  You should find a homework assignment in your child's Friday folder.  Please have this brought back by next Thursday.  The students should give them to me, not Mrs. Faircloth.  If your child does not have one, it is because they will be working on it here. 
Book orders are due back on Mon., Oct. 18th.
No school next Friday.
Please return conference slips next week in case we need to make any changes.
Have a great weekend!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday, Oct. 1

Love this weather!  The students are certainly excited about Homecoming today!  Lots of blue in our classroom.  Jocelyn Sieh won the most blue in our room with 20 blue items on today.  Congratulations Jocelyn! 
The students are starting their dioramas for science.  They sketched out a picture of what it will look like and have written a rough draft of their paper.  I think these are going to be a great learning activity. 
In math they have been working on subtraction.  We did the basic count back using a number line which was really just a review.  Today they used unifix cubes to work with a partner to make doubles facts. 
I was really impressed with the spelling tests we took this week.  Thanks to all who helped their child prepare for these tests.  You will find the tests in the Friday folder.
Also in the Friday folder are 2 comprehension tests we took this week.  I may get the grammar assessment checked today but if not, it will come home next week.
Mrs. Faircloth has one more week of teaching all subject areas.  After next week, I will take over reading again.  She will continue with science and math.
Next week we will do some fire prevention activities and have an assembly on Thursday with the Reinbeck Fire Department.  They always do such a great job with the kids.
Wednesday is an early dismissal for inservice.  We will be working on reading with the Gladbrook teachers.  Students will be dismissed at 12:45.